Sunday, September 1, 2019

Blythecon+ Solo show!

Hi everyone! We are heading towards Autumn and I'm getting super excited for the news!
If you happen to be in Milan on Sept 7th, go now and get yor tickets for Blythecon Milano, the first Blythecon in Italy! I'll have my booth there along with so many talented doll artists! Here's the link to purchase your tickets: Blythecon MIlano tickets.
Another super exciting news is that I will have my next solo show with Sally Centigrade gallery in November, so stay tuned to see what is boiling in the pot!
Saturday auctions on my Instagram are over for a while because I'm super busy, but I'll try to take part to the Mabsdrawloween club in October, at least I will try to create some artworks for that even though I'll be super into painting for the solo. I love creating Halloween art, so It's a must for me every year!! :)
Monthly auctions on the Bad Apple page on facebook will continue and I will try to always have a framed oil painting for that occasion.
I think that's all the news for now, I love you all guys, you're awsome and I hope to mee tome of you in person at the Blythecon in a few days! Have a wonderful day!!! <3

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New prints in my Etsy shop + News: Auctions

Hi Everyone!
I hope you'r all enjoyng a nice summer!
I have some exciting news: First of all I'm back in the Bad Apple Artist Collective group on Facebook which means that I will have a Facebook Auction Every end of the month! So go and like the page and you won't miss them! July Auction is still on until the 31st! Speaking about Auctions, my weekly auctions instead will take place on my instagram page every Saturday at noon until the end of August. Then I'll start preparing for my solo show, so stay tuned for more info about it!

I've just added a number of new prints to my Etsy shop including the new Dark Alice!
If you wish to be on my collector preview list to be the first to know everytime I have a new original artwork available for adoption, please drop me an email at  Thank you!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Hi Everyone!
Spring is here...(Even though I'm not so sure because, well we have rain and cold weather still and this is very strange for Italy, what's happening???) and so I'm having a little studio sale and letting go my precious Baby Sacred Deer Diorama only to a loving mommy or daddy to be cherished forever, for a very special sale price and free, fast shipping from USA!!! You can find it at this link (my Etsy shop) to have more info.
I hope she will find soon a home sweet home <3

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Update from Simona Candini Art- featured Solo show at Hive Gallery, Los Angeles-

Hi Everyone!
It's been about a year since I don't post in my blog/newsletter. Who follows me on IG and FB knows though that I've been very active the whole time, despite some health problems that I had for a while. Now I'm getting my strength back little by little, one step at a time. My blog/newsletter had some technical problems and I didn't have the chance to look into it until today, so I'm finally back writing here and I will do it everytime I have a news for you, like before. As a full time indipendent artist, I have to take care by myself at all the aspects of my work, the web part as well, and sometimes it's just too much for one person and so I couldn't fix my blog until today. I'm sorry for not being able to post for such a long time! I promise I'll make up for it :)

Here I have the pleasure to post the full images of the new artworks that I've created for my new solo show that just opened at Hive Gallery in Los Angeles! This show is featured during the 14th anniversary celebration of the gallery and I wanted to base all the artworks on Edgar Allan Poe horror stories and poems. I wanted to represent the tragically fragile beauty of the ladies that populate his stories and that are often object of a great obsession for the main male characher. Poe was traumatized by the early death of his beautiful wife, who died of tubercolosis at the young age of 24 and this event has deeply conditioned and inspired all his literature.
I hope you all will like my newest artworks and if you are interested in contacting the gallery here's the address Nathan will be happy to give you all the info and let you know which artworks are available.
Prints of these artworks will be soon in my Etsy shop. You can subscribe to the shop newsletter too, to know everytime I update the shop with something new.
Much Love,




"The Oval Portrait"

"The Black Cat"

"The Raven"